The more you know about children’s dental health, the better, especially when you have a child. This is because it can help you properly and effectively clean and care for your child’s teeth, gums and smile. If you don’t know much about children’s dental health, it can lead to dental problems and an unhealthy smile for your child. So, our... read more »
As you search for the best toothbrush for your child at the store, you might feel a bit overwhelmed and confused, especially if you’re not sure what to look for. Well, our dentist, Dr. David Umansky, is happy to help you because it’s very important to select the right toothbrush for your child. If you choose the right brush, your... read more »
If you’re at a loss when it comes to cleaning and caring for your baby’s smile, then our dentist, Dr. David Umansky, is happy to help you. The more you know, the better. This is because oral hygiene is vital if you want your baby to have the top-notch smile and oral health they deserve. So, our dentist is happy... read more »
How can you teach your children to brush their teeth? Well, we have some ideas that might help you. We cannot guarantee they will work in every case, because each child learns in different ways, but you can try them out if you like. First, it helps to understand how to brush so you can share it with your kids.... read more »
Let’s look at a common childhood concern--Early Childhood Caries-- and address some basics about it, as well as what to do to prevent it. You can keep your child from developing Early Childhood Caries, also called Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. Start an oral hygiene habit for your child a few days after they are born, by gently wiping the gums... read more »
Keeping your smile safe often consists of adding additional tooth restorations and repairs to your smile. However, rather than waiting for your teeth to be repaired due to an oral accident or injury, it is a good idea to have a preventative treatment in place to ensure dental damage does not arise in the first place. One highly effective treatment... read more »
Baby teeth, unlike what you might think, are very central to the overall health of an individual, both when they are a child and as they grow into an adult. What are you aware of about baby teeth? Learn a tiny bit more by reading this post we’ve assembled, and strive to aid your child to keep their chompers clean... read more »
Children have a propensity for suffering accidental falls when running and playing. This can sometimes result in a significant blow to the mouth that carries enough force to fracture a primary tooth. Unfortunately, many primary teeth are small and have limited amounts of tooth enamel. Sometimes this means that there isn’t enough remaining to treat a dental fracture with a... read more »
You might think that treating a child’s baby pearly whites isn’t that important because they’re going to fall out on their own eventually anyway. However, caring for baby teeth is imperative since without them, adult (also known as permanent) pearly whites will not come in straight, but instead crowded and misaligned. Here are some bits of advice on caring for... read more »
Oral hygiene is vital for a successful oral health, which is why keeping up on oral hygiene is strongly recommended. However, this might be a tough task for those who don’t know that oral hygiene requirements can change at different stages in life. In fact, infant smile care is different than toddler smile care. To help you care for your... read more »