Oral Hygiene Tips to Care for Your Baby’s Smile

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If you’re at a loss when it comes to cleaning and caring for your baby’s smile, then our dentist, Dr. David Umansky, is happy to help you. The more you know, the better. This is because oral hygiene is vital if you want your baby to have the top-notch smile and oral health they deserve. So, our dentist is happy to give you the oral hygiene instructions you need. Those instructions are:

-Clean their gums after each feeding (If they don’t have teeth yet): To do this, just use a clean, wet washcloth to wipe the gums. This will help wash bacteria away and help your baby have strong and healthy teeth and gums.

-Brush their teeth twice a day: You should do this with a child’s soft-bristled toothbrush or a little finger toothbrush and water. You can also use child’s toothpaste that is free of fluoride and is safe to swallow. Make sure you scrub your child’s teeth every morning and night.

-Bring your child into our office: It’s best to bring your baby into our office for their first checkup six months after their first tooth erupts or around their first birthday. This appointment can allow our team to make sure your baby’s smile is in tip-top shape, and it can give us the opportunity to teach you all about oral hygiene.

Call Smile Big Pediatric Dentistry today at 713-697-6453 if you have any questions. Our dental team is here to give you the answers and information you need, and we’re happy to tell you all about oral hygiene for babies in Humble, Texas. We look forward to hearing from and helping you!